New traffic restrictions have been approved for an area of Oxford with "dangerous" and "obstructive" parking after a politician claimed there have been stand-offs between motorists in the middle of the road.

Oxfordshire County Council highways chief Andrew Gant gave the green light to the measures for Headington Quarry at a meeting on Thursday last week which include double yellow lines and changes to parking bays.

A total of 41 consultation responses were received which a majority supported changes to restrictions on Green Road and Trinity Road but a majority objected to double yellow lines on Trinity Road.

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Liberal Democrat county councillor for Headington Quarry, Roz Smith, said: "Cars are much bigger now than they used to be - it's just inconsiderate parking.

Oxford Mail: Roz Smith.Roz Smith. (Image: Other.)

"It's a shame it's such a safety issue we have to put them (double yellow lines) in."

Ms Smith added she supported the plan to remove an existing parking bay on Pitts Road, saying: "That particular road is very, very narrow and very few homes actually have any off-road parking at all and there have been continuous problems down that road with it being so narrow.

"The other day we actually had a stand-off in the middle of the road with drivers getting out of their cars because they could not get down the road at all because of cars parked on both sides of the road.

"Pedestrians and cyclists on the road like me had difficulty getting past."

Mr Gant said: "Almost every single scheme is monitored in practice.

Oxford Mail: Andrew Gant.Andrew Gant. (Image: Oxfordshire County Council.)

"The point about enforcement is heard and is well-made and we are putting more resource in enforcement generally and you can always do with more that's for sure."

This comes after Ms Smith said she "reluctantly" supported the proposal for double yellow lines but requested they be kept "the right colour for a conservation area".

A full list of changes include two new limited waiting parking bays which are for permit holders or those seeking three hours no return within three hours Monday to Friday 9am-5pm on the western side of Green Road.

They also include a change of restriction from two hours to permit holders or three Hours no return within three hours Monday to Friday 9am-5pm of the existing parking bays on the western side of Green Road, and the western side of Trinity Road.

Oxford Mail: Trinity Road.Trinity Road. (Image: Google Maps.)

In addition to the removal of existing permit holders or two hours no return within two hours parking bay on the eastern side of Pitts Road there will be new no waiting at any time restrictions (double yellow lines) on Trinity Road.

Responding to the double yellow lines proposition, a Trinity Road resident said: "The existing double yellows allow for residents to park beautifully.

"The double yellows should be on the side of the road the houses 34-30 are on as it will deter people from parking across their doors.

"I think the double yellows are fine. Leave them be. You don’t live here we do! No one wants the double yellows extended."