A serving prisoner has had his sentence extended for throwing urine and faeces over a prison officer.

The female prison officer was on duty checking prisoners off the unit to attend the medication hatch at HMP Bullingdon when Andre Gibson, aged 22, threw the contents of a protein shaker at her through a gate.

The officer, aged 29, immediately realised that Gibson had thrown urine and faeces from the bottle.

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The contents covered the officer from head to toe as well as hitting her back, the back of her head and her face.

After he carried out the assault on September 7 at around 8.50am, Gibson ran back to his cell.

The officer tried to wash the matter from her body and was unable to continue to work due to the distress it had caused her.

Gibson pleaded guilty to one count of administering a poison or noxious substance with intent to injure or annoy and was sentenced at the same hearing at Oxford Crown Court on Friday, May 24.

He has been given an additional prison sentence of one year and nine months.

The sentence will be served consecutively to one Gibson is already serving for robbery.

Oxford Mail: Andre Gibson Andre Gibson (Image: Thames Valley Police)Investigating officer PC Andrew Gold from the Prison Crime Team said: “This was an extremely serious and degrading unprovoked attack on a prison officer going about the course of her duties.

“Prison officers shouldn’t have to accept being subject to horrendous acts of this nature, it was an absolutely disgusting attack and I am very pleased that the courts have recognised the impact this has had on the victim.

“Gibson will serve the additional sentence on top of his current sentence of two years and 10 months for robbery.

“I hope that this will help the officer come to terms with what happened to her.

"We will not tolerate such abhorrent behaviour and will prosecute those who commit such horrible and disgusting actions.”