Morris dancing teams from as far afield as Jersey are set to arrive in Kirtlington for an annual folk dancing festival this weekend.

The festival will begin on Saturday, June 1, at 10.30am with performers dancing around the village green before touring nearby Woodstock in the early afternoon.

The evening will feature a barn dance, lamb roast, and ceilidh at Kirtlington Village Hall, with entertainment provided by The Mad Hatters, with Pete North as the caller.

Oxford Mail:  Kirtlington Morris Kirtlington Morris (Image: Kirtlington Morris)

On Sunday, June 2, all 14 Morris dancing sides will lead a dancing procession through Kirtlington at 10am followed by a Lamb Ale service at the church.

The sides will then split up to dance at various sites across the village before reconvening at Kirtlington Primary School for a dancing finale with a barbecue, mini beer festival and a raffle.

John Mayo, Kirtlington Morris secretary, said: "It is always a fantastic occasion and a great opportunity for people of all ages to celebrate this traditional form of dance.

Oxford Mail: Kirtlington MorrisKirtlington Morris (Image: Kirtlington Morris)

"In common with most Morris sides across the country, we have changed our rules in recent years to go mixed gender and are excited to count our first ever women dancers amongst our newest recruits.

"We look forward to welcoming guest sides and entertaining the people of Kirtlington and Woodstock in what promises to be a brilliant weekend."

Tickets will cost £10 at the door and include free camping on the village playing fields all weekend.