Animal Testing


Imagine this, you are a vulnerable animal bred and born only to be cut open, injected and electrocuted and tested until you die to make sure the product is safe for the consumer? 3.8 million Animals are being tested on in the UK alone. This is around 1 animal every 8 seconds. We have not got the right to use animals as the subject for any research or experimentations just like how we do not have the right to experiment on humans without their consent.


The biggest industry for animal testing is chemical, pesticide and drug companies. So many brands nowadays are getting exposed for their ways of testing if the product is safe for the consumer. Animal testing is very tedious and harms animals in the process dramatically.

The countries that use animal testing the most the United States, China, and Japan using the most animals for research purposes, accumulating to an estimated 47 million animals.

I wish that these genius medical researchers who experiment on animals would experiment to try to find a solution to animal testing to prevent and stop their insensitivity to the suffering of animals.


Taken from their website “The Leaping Bunny Program provides the best assurance that a product is free of animal testing. In order to become Leaping Bunny certified, brands must comply with requirements in place that go beyond current laws”.


Cruelty free International is also another company that is a major advocate for Animal Testing. “With a history spanning over 100 years, Cruelty Free International has achieved so much for animals. Bringing the issue to public attention with our dynamic and determined approach, we have inspired generations of politicians, decision-makers and compassionate people to make a difference for animals used in experiments.”


I’d love to ask the scientists who carry out these tests if they think their actions are morally right. Because, their actions are despicable.