A mother and daughter hit by a car as they used a zebra crossing have branded it a "death trap waiting to happen".

Sue Doran, of Queensway, Didcot, wants the crossing in Wantage Road moved, after she and eight-year-old daughter Lucy were badly injured in the smash.

The 40-year-old therapy centre manager, who was knocked unconscious and left with broken bones, fears they could have been killed.

She said: "I think it's a death trap waiting to happen. Nothing will change unless someone dies on it.

"What's the cost of a life? I could have been killed.

"The zebra crossing needs to be a proper pedestrian crossing, with traffic lights, or, ideally it needs to be moved.

"You have got the garage, pub, shops and entrance to the school. It's ridiculous. There's a huge volume of people using it."

They were cycling on the crossing, which is close to the Sherwood Road junction, when they were struck by a car coming from the Harwell direction. Her son, Max, six, who was on the pavement, watched in horror as his mum and sister lay in the road.

Mrs Doran said: "My daughter had severe bruising and abrasions and I was knocked unconscious and was in hospital for six days. I had a broken leg, fractured neck and torn ligament in my knee."

A petition is planned for her campaign which is hoping to get backing from local schools and Wantage MP Ed Vaizey.

Geoff Barrell, head of road safety at Oxfordshire County Council, said: "In comparison with many other areas of the county, this site can in no way be categorised as an accident blackspot.

"The county council has limited funds for road safety schemes and must devote its annual budget to the most accident-prone areas."