An air ambulance landed in a country park after being called to a nearby medical incident.

Thames Valley Air Ambulance (TVAA) used Spiceball Park in Banbury as a landing site after a public cardiac arrest.

A number of ambulances have also been pictured outside the Waterside Bar in response to the incident.

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Thames Valley Police were called to the incident but the force said they were there to assist the South Central Ambulance Service.

The force was unable to provide further information on the condition of the person.

Spiceball Park is the town's largest park covering 26 acres and its main entrance is located off Cherwell Drive with other entrances from Oxford Canal Walk and Grimsbury Green. 

The Oxford Canal runs along the park’s western edge and the River Cherwell divides the park into two sections.

The Oxford Mail has approached TVAA and SCAS for a statement on the incident.