New images have been released of the largest ‘green bridge’ of the HS2 project.

The 99m-wide overpass is poised to carry a road across the new rail, in close vicinity to the village of Turweston on the fringes of Brackley, which borders Oxfordshire.

Green bridges are becoming an increasingly common sight above new motorways and railways on the continent.

They serve to shield birds, insects and mammals.

Longer 'green tunnels' also give protection to views across the countryside, reducing disturbance for communities.

16 green bridges are planned as part of the HS2 project, with the majority carrying a blend of roads, footpaths and farm access routes.

Construction of five green tunnels is also underway, with some up to 1.5 miles long.

Collectively, they will help mesh together 33 square kilometres of new wildlife habitats along the railway including seven million new trees and shrubs.

Elizabeth Longinotti, HS2 Ltd’s senior project manager, said: "Green bridges are still rare in the UK and just one example of how HS2 is leading the way in terms of innovation and environmental protection.

"The bridge at Turweston will help keep communities connected, while supporting wildlife and biodiversity on either side of the railway.

“Once complete, HS2 will deliver faster, more reliable journeys between London and Birmingham – while freeing up space on the existing mainline for more local trains."

The bridge was designed by HS2’s main works contractor EKFB using 36 steel beams as support for the structure, with pre-cast concrete slabs forming the deck.

2,700 cubic metres of earth will be landscaped over the top, followed by the planting of hedgerows, shrubs, and other vegetation.

Tony Wehby, EKFB’s project director, said: "The team has also done a tremendous job in finding innovative ways to reduce the carbon output of this structure; through our value-added engineering practice, we have reduced the number of piles required by adopting shallower foundations.

"This has benefitted the delivery programme and reduced costs – we're really pleased with this outcome.

"We look forward to seeing the structure come to life when its steel beams arrive in the summer for the next phase of construction."

Planning during the design stage resulted in a reduction of the structure’s carbon footprint by 42 per cent.

This was largely achieved due to unexpectedly good ground conditions, that allowed the team to trim the usage of carbon-intensive materials like concrete and steel by discarding 102 deep piles and choosing shallow foundations instead.

Assembly of the steelwork is due to commence later this year.