“YOU are quite a frightening individual when you’re angry,” said a judge sentencing a man for domestic assault.

Tommy Gunn, 34, was found guilty after a trial at Oxford Crown Court of one count each of controlling and coercive behaviour and assault occasioning actual bodily harm of a woman he had been in a relationship with for about a year in Banbury.

The jury found Gunn not guilty of intentional non-fatal strangulation, false imprisonment, sexual assault, and rape.

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Sentencing Gunn on Tuesday (March 12) to three and a half years in jail, Judge Ian Pringle said: “At the age of 34, you have proved to be a menace to women in relationships.

“You terrified her on repeated occasions because you are quite a frightening individual when you’re angry.

“This was a highly abusive relationship.”

During the sentencing, Gunn’s defence barrister Emma Heath invited Judge Pringle to question whether significant harm had been caused to the victim due to subsequent communications she has had with Gunn since the trial.

The court heard that the woman had allegedly created a fake name to contact Gunn at HMP Bullingdon and ask him to marry her.

She also allegedly made TikTok videos about the trial and threatened Gunn over the phone to publish footage used in the trial online.

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Ms Heath said: “It’s a persistent effort on her behalf to speak to Mr Gunn. There is a balancing exercise to be had.”

Prosecutor Lisa Goddard said the woman had been unable to be contacted in order to refute the claims but an application for a restraining order has been made.

Judge Pringle agreed to put a five-year restraining order in place but urged an officer to speak to the victim about the terms of the order in case she tries to continue communication with Gunn.

He said: “She loved him and she probably still loves, she’s completely taken by him. It’s not unique that sometimes what a victim will say in the victim impact statement will be at loggerheads with what they do outside.

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“I think she needs to be strongly warned about it. It could amount to harassment by her. If she tries to contact Mr Gunn that could get to a stage where she is committing a criminal offence.”

Gunn was sentenced to three years imprisonment for the controlling and coercive count and six months imprisonment for the assault occasioning actual bodily harm count.

“I hope when you come out of prison you address the problems that you now know about,” Judge Pringle concluded.