Leisure centres across Chipping Norton, Carterton, Windrush, and The Vale of White Horse are seeing a surge in women-only boxing and weights classes as International Women's Day approaches.

Weight-based exercise is increasingly popular with women, and is especially beneficial for those approaching midlife and menopause.

Many classes are under the guidance of powerlifter Kate Sweatman, who is hoping to compete at the IPF European and World Championships this year.

Oxford Mail: Kate Sweatman is hoping to compete in the IPF European and World Championships later this year Kate Sweatman is hoping to compete in the IPF European and World Championships later this year (Image: GLL)

She said: "In order to maintain a healthy bone density and retain muscle tissue, women need to undertake weight-based exercise

“This is especially important for women who post-menopause will experience a reduction in oestrogen. This can cause a reduction in bone density, which will continue over time.

She added that weight training enhances metabolism, muscle mass, and bone density, which can help mitigate the effects of osteoporosis in old age.

It also strengthens the heart, improves posture, and supports weight loss.

Ms Sweatman emphasised the emotional and mental advantages, such as improved self-perception and a break from daily stressors.

Jane Edwards, a 60-year-old Witney resident, started strength training six months ago and is now 'hooked'.

She said: "I definitely feel more confident and stronger and it's a real buzz when you can physically see you’re building muscle-strength.

"Kate is a fantastic coach who always tailors the session to each person's individual needs."

The 'Better' leisure centres managing these classes are part of GLL, a charitable social enterprise committed to fostering community wellbeing.