Birdland is set to celebrate its feathered mums this Mother’s Day weekend.

The event, running from March 10-11 at the Cotswolds-based wildlife attraction, across the border from Oxfordshire, will look at the dedication of some of Birdland's avian parents and provide insight into the diverse ways different bird species care for their young.

The park's talks programme throughout the weekend will spotlight hard-working bird mothers, including the king penguins, where male and female parents share incubation duties of their single egg.

At times, the male parents take on most of the responsibility when it comes to looking after the fledglings.

Head keeper Alistair Keen said: "Some of our birds will become new mums over the coming weeks so it presents the perfect opportunity to come along on Mother’s Day and see how our feathered friends bring up their young.

“We are also keeping a close eye on our colony of king penguins who are starting to moult in readiness for their courtship rituals."

The park's owls are also being closely observed by Mr Keen and his team, as they are always the earliest new mums each year.

They are said to be showing promising signs of nesting.

The Mother's Day weekend event is an opportunity to enjoy an insightful glance into Birdland's avian mums.