Banbury Town Council is combating period poverty by providing free menstrual hygiene products for those in need.

Recent findings by ActionAid revealed that approximately 21 per cent of women in the UK are struggling to cover the cost of period products.

According to the study, 17 per cent of those surveyed admitted to remaining at home during their menstrual cycle due to financial strains preventing them from purchasing necessary items.

This leads to missed education, limited social and physical activities, and missed work.

The scheme implemented by Banbury Town Council will ensure no one using their facilities will have to contend with period poverty.

Products will be readily available at council-owned locations, public toilets in parks and cemeteries, sports pavilions, the town hall, and all council managed bathrooms.

Cllr Kieron Mallon, the leader of Banbury Town Council, said: "This measure reflects Banbury Town Council's responsiveness to the views and concerns of our residents throughout our town.

"Sanitary products are not a luxury but a necessity, this demonstrates our commitment to fairness and reflects our efforts to reduce the cost of this essential need following the Governments action in abolishing the 'tampon tax' which the EU law mandates on sanitary products.

"It's about providing essential support and services to foster a town where every individual can live with dignity."