Householders have been left frustrated at traffic issues in a narrow residential street on the edge of Oxford.

Funeral ceremonies were taking place at Botley Cemetery on Thursday, February 22, and were attended by well over 250 people collectively.

Due to the high volume of mourners attending, the nearby North Hinksey Lane was congested throughout the afternoon with traffic.

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From approximately 1.30pm, cars were parked on both sides of the narrow road on double yellow lines.

Delivery vans trying to access the Curtis Industrial Estate were struggling to get past, according to eyewitnesses. 

Oxford Mail: Two funerals were taking place on Thursday afternoon.Two funerals were taking place on Thursday afternoon. (Image: Public submission)

One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Oxford Mail about the congestion issues on their doorstep as a result of the funerals.

"It was absolute carnage and it proved tricky enough trying to walk along the pavement past the cars, let alone squeeze a vehicle through the cars lining both sides,” he said.

"The road is not designed for that volume of traffic outside the cemetery, so I wonder why the funerals had to be arranged at the same time.

"It seemed to be a free-for-all with cars parked on the verges and double yellow lines.

“Hopefully this does not become a regular occurrence."

Oxford Mail: Over 250 mourners arrived to the first funeral.Over 250 mourners arrived to the first funeral. (Image: Public submission)

There were several taxis also parked up on double yellows according to those living in the area.

A spokesman for Oxford City Council said: "There was a large burial at 1.30pm at Botley cemetery on Thursday.

“We allow parking within the cemetery on a first-come-first-served basis and over 250 mourners arrived, which meant the cemetery was full for parking.

“This led to mourners having to find alternative places to park.”

“A second burial took place at 3pm to allow for the first burial to take place and for parking to become available within the cemetery.

“It was an unfortunate coincidence that the two burials were required on the same day, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.”

The county council was quick to remind those attending the funeral that parking on double yellow lines is of course a punishable offence regardless if there is funeral taking place or not.

A spokesman for Oxfordshire County Council said: "Parking on double yellow lines can cause a danger to other road users.

"Motorists who are caught will face fines.

“Oxfordshire County Council’s parking enforcement teams operate around the whole of Oxfordshire on regular patrols, but they also act when alerted to specific areas by members of the public.

“People can report incidents of illegally parked vehicles by using our online form.

“We welcome reports from the public and will act on them.”