A 43-year-old man has been fined £300 and handed six points for having no insurance on his bike.

Officers were patrolling Princess Diana Park in Banbury when they stopped a 43-year-old man on a motorbike which required insurance.

The man was issued a ticket for the offence which incurs a £300 fine and six penalty points on his licence.

A Thames Valley Police spokesperson said: “The Banbury Neighbourhood team have been out conducting Operation Jazzman patrols today and the bike pictured has been seized by Police.

“Operation Jazzman is our response to the ongoing issue of illegal motorcycles in and around the Bretch Hill area.

“Whilst on patrol officers have located this bike being ridden around Princess Diana Park.

“It has been seized for having no insurance and the 43-year-old male rider has been issued a ticket for the offence.

“This will mean a £300 fine and 6 penalty points on his licence. “