Applications for The Cherwell Lottery's 2024 Good Cause Community Grant are closing this Friday

The Cherwell District Council run scheme announced the opening of applications for the £10,000 grant earlier in the year.

The closing date for applications is Friday, February 23.

Groups registered as Cherwell Lottery good causes are invited to apply for a grant of up to £1,000.

The funding is available for either revenue or capital projects that meet the lottery’s "healthy, resilient and engaged communities" funding priorities.

Councillor Phil Chapman, portfolio holder for healthy and safe communities, said: "I want to thank all the people that take part in the lottery as players.

"Each ticket you buy really does make a difference to the lives of our residents and communities.

"Thanks to the funds raised by our players, local groups and organisations registered as lottery good causes can continue with their worthwhile work that benefits and supports everyone across the district.

"With our 2024 grant now accepting applications, I encourage any group registered as a Cherwell Lottery good cause to apply if they need help developing any current or future projects."

The grant was launched in October 2020 and is financed by Cherwell Lottery's central fund, supported by the sales of lottery tickets.

Full details about project eligibility and application forms can be found online.

Since its inception in 2019, Cherwell Lottery has already aided more than 80 local causes through funds raised from ticket sales.