A proposed policy on dark skies, included in South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Council's Joint Local Plan, has been welcomed by an environmental charity.

Campaign to Protect Rural England Oxfordshire director, Helen Marshall, said: "Councils tend to have policies on managing light pollution but that’s a reactive approach.

"We wanted to see something proactive, that recognises the crucial importance of dark skies and helps to maintain and improve those areas.

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"We’re really delighted to see our local councils have listened and are proposing this new policy. We hope the public will support it by responding to the consultation."

The proposed policy, currently under consultation, aims to limit light pollution, enhancing wildlife habitats and benefiting the public.

The charity said: "Many plants, wildlife and insects rely on darkness to find food, to breed and to navigate, as well as for protection."

The new proposed policy – CE11 Light Pollution and Dark Skies – says that “where possible, development proposals are encouraged to support the restoration and improvement of areas to enhance and or extend dark skies, and/or upgrade existing sources of light pollution on, and/or in the vicinity of the development to reduce light pollution in the area”.

The charity is also pushing for the Joint Local Plan to include a stronger policy on renewable energy.

Full details of the South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse Joint Local Plan consultation can be found on the council's website.