Following a public consultation, West Oxfordshire District Council is looking to push ahead with the area's Local Plan.

The consultation, which ended in October, received 2,000 replies from more than 450 people.

Councillor Charlie Maynard, executive member for planning and sustainable development, said: "We are pleased with the level of interest the Local Plan has generated so far.

Oxford Mail: Charlie MaynardCharlie Maynard (Image: West Oxfordshire Liberal Democrats)

"Feedback from residents helps to shape the future in a way that best suits our communities.

"Residents are clear our plans need to improve our public transport and infrastructure, tackle the climate emergency, support local communities, build our economy and support people in leading healthy lifestyles.

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"We now have a strong foundation from which we can start to pull a detailed plan together which will be based on the views and thoughts of people across the district."

Councillor Andy Graham, leader of the council, added: "The response to the consultation has been really encouraging.

"The Local Plan is crucial for the whole district, and we are committed to delivering it in partnership with our communities.

"Residents’ input is highly valued, and we are committed to meaningful engagement that will help to shape a sustainable plan that we can all be proud of."

The council will now draft a more detailed plan which residents will be consulted on later this year.