A MURDER trial has been delayed after a juror has fallen sick. 

Scarlet Blake, 25, is on trial at Oxford Crown Court charged with the murder of Jorge Carreno.

The 30-year-old Spanish man was found dead in Parsons Pleasure in Oxford on July 25, 2021.

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It is alleged that Blake strangled Mr Carreno until he was unconscious before pushing him in the river.

Blake denies having any involvement in his death but has admitted to stealing her neigbour's cat before dissecting it and putting it in a blender. 

The court heard on Friday (February 16) that one of the jury members is unwell and the trial cannot proceed in their absence.

Speaking to the jury, The Hon Mr Justice Martin Chamberlain said: "I am sure it won't have escaped your notice that there are only 11 of you that is because we've received a note from the twelfth to say he's unwell.

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"He's not very unwell - he's unwell - but he will be fine by Monday. I'm afraid that means we cannot continue in his absence so I'm going to ask you to have the day off and return on Monday at 10.30am"

He reminded the jury not to speak to anyone about the case.

It is expected that the Prosecution will finish their case and hand over to the defence on Monday (February 19).