A CHARITY chief executive died after a fatal crash in Brize Norton earlier this year, an inquest opening held in Oxford heard.

Timothy Joss, 68, of Burford Road, Carterton, was involved in a crash on January 24 in Witney Road, Brize Norton.

He was cycling when at about 3.55pm he was involved in a collision with a red VW polo.

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The car driver, a 19-year-old man, was uninjured.

He was arrested on suspicion of ‘causing death by careless driving’ and has since been released on bail.

An inquest was opened into his death at Oxford Coroner’s Court on February 14 where it was heard the medical cause of his death has been provided as ‘multiple injuries’.

Senior coroner Darren Salter has scheduled a date for a full inquest to take place on July 22 at 10am.