Oxfordshire County Council has begun consulting Bicester residents about a potential 20mph speed limit to reduce accidents and promote sustainable travel.

This "informal" consultation serves as an opportunity for Bicester's residents to share their initial views on the proposed 20mph limit.

The project was initiated following newly elected county councillors' election pledge, responding to calls for lower speed limits.

The council aims to create an environment where residents feel safer, leading to increased sustainable travel methods.

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Bicester county councillors and the Town Council have said they support a 20mph limit "in principle", but only if the community supports the idea.

The County Council said it would "not impose lower limits where they are not welcomed by the community".

Speed limit changes are subject to a statutory consultation process; all responses will be considered by the County Council’s cabinet member for transport management before decisions are made.

The community's feedback will help shape the statutory consultation process.

Residents are strongly urged to participate in this later process with details of how to do so to be made available at the time.

A draft plan is available for review, allowing residents to visualize the potential scheme.

Feedback must be submitted by 5pm on February 28.

While simple questions will be addressed during the consultation process, any complex queries will be evaluated as part of the process itself.