Oxfordshire motorists are being encouraged to be aware of the four factors that most commonly lead to accidents, following eight fatalities on county roads in January.

Oxfordshire County Council’s Fire and Rescue Service has reminded motorists of their campaign named 'It's Not Worth the Risk' to bring attention to these risks.

The campaign emphasises safety in relation to speeding, not using seatbelts, being distracted, as well as the impact of alcohol and drugs.

Anyone not making use of a car's safety belts during a crash is twice as prone to experiencing fatal consequences.

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Andy Ford, road safety manager of Oxfordshire County Council’s Fire and Rescue Service said: "The eight fatalities on Oxfordshire’s roads during January were an absolute tragedy.

"They were caused by a range of factors, but because we know the fatal four things that contribute to so many accidents, we’re putting greater emphasis on these in our latest safety awareness campaign.

“We are a rural county with lots of country roads, as well as fast arterial highways running through. Weather, time of day and visibility are all hazards that drivers need to take into account.

“Cars don’t just crash, unfortunately, it’s drivers who cause collisions. When behind the wheel, you must be alert, drive sensibly, safely and share the risk, from the moment you turn the ignition key.

“The fatal four are the main cause of death for drivers, their passengers, other road users and pedestrians. But, in most cases, these deadly collisions are avoidable.”

Distraction has been identified as a prime cause of accidents such as using mobile phones or devices like satnavs.

The campaign offers alternatives like diverting calls to the messenger service and pulling over to answer calls.

They suggest not to stop on the highway and delegate answering calls to passengers, instead.

Speed, too, is a significant factor contributing to a heightened risk of accidents.

Research illustrates that by every mile per hour a car gains, the probability of road-traffic accidents increases by three per cent.

This risk escalates when driving around bends and during wet or icy conditions.

Regarding alcohol, the campaign warns of the life-threatening danger all road users face from drunk drivers.

The advice offered ranges from hiring a taxi, using a bus or rail service, nominating a sober driver, walking home or opting to stay the night at the place of drinking.

Mr Ford added: “If you cause a collision, it can result in life-changing injuries to you and to anyone else involved.

"All for the sake of a lunchtime drink, taking a phone call or trying to save time. It really isn’t worth the risk.”