Lobbying concerns have been raised after the deputy leader of a council took a job working with a company which helps connect developers with local authorities.

Labour councillor Duncan Enright took a freelance role as an associate with Community Communications Partnership Ltd at the end of 2023.

The London-based firm is "a communications company providing the link between the community and service providers of a broad base" including "planning and development".

Mr Enright, county councillor for Witney North & East, as well as district councillor for Witney East and a town councillor, insisted: "I would never do anything that compromised the best interests of the people of Witney, who I am proud to serve.

"I would never put any lobbyist ahead of them - never have, never will."

Conservative Group leader Michele Mead first raised the issue when she submitted a written question to the leader of the council asking if it was appropriate for Mr Enright to be working for a company involved in work between the council and developers.

In response Andy Graham said: "The Deputy Leader is clear in his statement that in his role with the CCP he is not involved in any way, nor is he privy to any information, regarding developments within or impacting Oxfordshire or West Oxfordshire.

"Therefore, there is no conflict of interest with his role as Deputy Leader and Executive Member."

Ms Mead raised the issue again at a meeting of the full council on Wednesday January 31.

She asked Mr Graham: “Will Cllr Enright be removing himself from any Local Plan discussions as the company he currently works for represents a large majority of building companies that work within West Oxfordshire.”

Mr Graham replied: “I am not aware of that" before adding that Ms Mead will receive a written response.

After the meeting Cllr Mead said: "We aren't any clearer whether the Deputy Leader is liaising with developers on matters within West Oxfordshire other than his word.

“I'm afraid this isn't good enough and we don't think it's appropriate for him to be working with developers behind the backs of residents given the issues we face in this district with developers taking advantage." 

District Council candidate for Witney East James Robertshaw said: "Residents are rightly concerned about our councillor taking on such a role given Witney and West Oxfordshire having major issues with developers appearing to be building where they want.

“Duncan needs to decide if he backs the people who vote for him or the people who pay him.”

Meanwhile Conservative councillor Dean Temple, who represents Chadlington, said: “I myself received a call from CCP the day before a planning meeting.

"The chap was most insistent on making sure that I understood what a benefit this planning application was and how I really ought to vote in favour of it.

"To have the man who is front and centre of setting out the Local Plan which dictates where buildings can and can’t go, working for a company like this in any capacity just seems wrong.

"Simply saying 'trust me, I won’t do anything wrong' is not enough.

"He should not put himself in the position where he has the opportunity to do wrong."

In an extensive statement Mr Enright strongly refuted the allegations.

He said he added the role to the council's register of members' interests as soon as he took the job "as I have done with all of my work projects".

He included "a specific description of my role and the activities of The Community Communications Partnership".

He said: "I want to be absolutely clear about my role which is to work with organisations to make sure that any planning or other applications they make take into account local views and are shared with local councillors.

"My rule of thumb is to ask 'what would I want to see from this development, if I were the local councillor?'

He said The CCP is a cross-party organisation.

It "is a group of councillors, ex-councillors and ex-MPs, including a former (Conservative) leader of West Oxfordshire District Council, James Mills, who introduced me.

"It includes people from all parties including Conservatives, Liberal Democrats, Greens and other Labour people."

He added: "A condition of working with The CCP (their condition and mine) is that I am not involved in any way, nor am I privy to any information, about projects within or affecting Oxfordshire or West Oxfordshire.

"The nearest I have worked so far is Coventry.

"I am not aware of CCP clients who are in the process of developing land in West Oxfordshire."

Mr Enright said other West Oxfordshire councillors have done similar work including Simon Hoare, now Minister for Local Government, when he was the Cabinet Member for Finance at West Oxfordshire District Council.

"I know that he too was scrupulous in declaring his interest, and was not involved in any way in work in West Oxfordshire.

"Current members of the West Oxfordshire Conservatives carry out similar work."

He added: "I would never do anything that compromised the best interests of the people of Witney, who I am proud to serve.

"I would never put any lobbyist ahead of them - never have, never will.

"As I have no knowledge of any developers working in our area with CCP I am not subject to any pressure, and in the unlikely event it happens in future I will report the interest straight away so I can represent my neighbours to the best of my ability."

Mr Enright seemed to suggest he would continue to be involved in discussions for the Local Plan.

"I am not the Executive Member for the Local Plan, but I will continue to fight for the best for West Oxfordshire, and in particular for well-paid jobs and thriving towns and villages, given my role as lead for economic development."