There are plans to introduce two roundabouts, three zebra crossings and walking and cycling infrastructure to a new relief road in an area with "traffic-related challenges".

Oxfordshire County Council has submitted proposals for the Watlington Relief Road scheme which aims to provide an alternative route and direct access to the B4009, known as Shirburn Road and Britwell Road, either side of Watlington.

A spokesman for the authority said the aim is to reduce congestion, noise and air pollution in the town centre and to enable future housing developments with more cycling and walking options. 

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Cabinet member for travel and development strategy, Judy Roberts, added: “Watlington is a historic market town which regularly experiences traffic-related challenges due to the town centre’s narrow roads and its one-lane only, traffic light controlled bridge.”

Oxford Mail: Councillor Judy Roberts is pictured on the right Councillor Judy Roberts is pictured on the right

The relief road aims to connect a series of existing and proposed developments around the northern and western sides of Watlington.

Some sections are being delivered by developers and others directly by Oxfordshire County Council.

Oxford Mail: Watlington Relief Road plan.Watlington Relief Road plan. (Image: Oxfordshire County Council.)

The road will feature two roundabouts, one T-junction, three shared-use zebra crossings and walking and cycling infrastructure “to support active travel”.

A lighting and electrical report for the application says the rural town is “currently experiencing traffic-related challenges which are expected to worsen as it accommodates planned housing development”.

A relief road would pass through the new Bloor Homes development to the southwest, and through a new roundabout proposed at Cuxham Road.

It would also pass through the proposed Redrow Development and to the new roundabout on the B4009 to the east.

Measurement area for the site is 8.3 hectares and plans also include the provision of a vehicular pick-up and drop-off area to Icknield Community College.

Oxford Mail: B480 Cuxham Road.B480 Cuxham Road. (Image: Google Maps.)

This comes as proposals to add 75 homes to land in the area were described as an “urban sprawl”, with Shirburn Parish Council saying “the countryside will not be protected”.

Ms Roberts concluded: “The proposed Watlington Relief Road aims to bring much needed mitigation to this legacy of congestion, noise and air pollution, as well as enable housing developments in the vicinity of Watlington and facilitate more sustainable modes of transport including cycling and walking.”

A decision for the new relief road is anticipated for spring this year.

Watlington lies south of the M40 – its “nearest strategic transport corridor” – and is not accessible by any rail services.

The market town has a “compact village-like centre” which comprises “smaller independent retailers and key local services”.