A former GP surgery near Witney could be converted into new flats.

In June 2021 Blenheim submitted a planning application to convert the old doctor's surgery in Churchill Way, Long Hanborough, into five small flats and part of the ground floor into a community hub working space and a cafe.

There were some objections with concerns raised about the possible noise and disturbance from the cafe, lack of parking, and an increase in traffic on a corner close to Main Road.

The application withdrawn in May 2022 before determination.

Henley-based XP Estates Ltd is now proposing to convert the surgery into three ground-floor two-bedroom flats with a four-bedroom flat on the first floor.

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The developer has submitted a planning application, trying to ascertain from West Oxfordshire District Council whether it meets the conditions for permitted development rights - rules which allow for change of use without the need for a full planning application.

Even if these are confirmed if the owner comes back with a full planning application there will public consultation before the decision is made by council planning officers or planning committee in the usual way.

But some neighbours have been left disappointed that they won't be getting the promised cafe and community hub.

One asked: "Where is the promised cafe?"

Another said: "What happened to the community hub, this is what the building was going to be turned into? Hanborough needs more spaces especially for all the children."

Cllr Dr Alaa Al-Yousuf, who represents Freeland and Hanborough, explained that before Blenheim submitted their planning application, he was consulted and posted on the community Facebook page asking what the village needed.

"Understandably, residents had formed expectations that will not be met now," he said.

The old surgery was replaced with a new health centre and pharmacy which opened on Blenheim's Hanborough Gate development in March 2021.