The Police and Crime Commissioner has unveiled a new approach to fighting retail crime in Thames Valley.

The strategy, jointly developed by business groups, retailers and Thames Valley Police, is formulated to counter shoplifting, retail crime, and violence committed towards shop workers.

It's focused on six aspects - intelligence, enforcement, partnership, prevention, justice, and reassurance.

Police and Crime Commissioner, Matthew Barber, said: "Many people see retail crime as a victimless crime, but it has a profound impact on retail staff, customers and the wider economy.

"My new Retail Crime Strategy sets out a series of tangible actions.

"It includes the creation of a business crime team within Thames Valley Police to improve investigations and identify prolific offenders."

The strategy also initiates Operation Purchase, which will increase the visible presence of police officers and PCSOs in retail spaces.

The strategy also aims to facilitate reporting through Disc - an online platform enabling retailers to report and access information about crimes such as shoplifting and anti-social behaviour.

This system negates the need to call 101, making reporting to the police faster and more efficient.

He added: “A core aim of the strategy is to enhance the collaboration between businesses and the police to better tackle retail crime."

He hopes the measures will "increase the security and confidence of local businesses and help make high streets and retail spaces across the Thames Valley safer for us all.”

The introduction of the strategy comes after months of Mr Barber engaging with local, regional, and national retailers to understand the challenges regarding retail crimes.

This day also marks the inception of the Thames Valley Strategic Retail Crime Forum, set to solidify the collaboration between business owners and the police.

Christian Bunt, assistant chief constable for Thames Valley Police, said: "Thames Valley Police is supporting the launch of the retail crime strategy.

"Over the last few months, Thames Valley Police has developed operational plans which will be led by our neighbourhood policing teams and our new business crime team who will specialise in retail crime investigations.

“We understand the frustrations of the retail sector and hope that by introducing this new strategy, we can continue to work collaboratively with our partners and wider criminal justice system to bring offenders to justice.”

James Lowman, chief executive of the Association of Convenience Stores, said: "We are delighted to see the Police and Crime Commissioner prioritising retail crime.

"Partnership working and information sharing are the keys to making this strategy work, and we want all retailers to engage with the police, report all crime and work together to identify and apprehend prolific repeat offenders."

Nicki Juniper, head of security and shrinkage at John Lewis Partnership, said: "Retail crime is not victimless, it has an emotional and financial impact on retail workers and customers.

"We look forward to working collaboratively with Thames Valley Police, and others in the sector, to keep our partners and customers safe."