Bicester Market Square has moved a step closer to undergoing a £4.25 million transformation into a multi-use community hub.

The funds were approved in February 2023 and will help to shape the town centre regeneration project as the next stages of consultation and design work begin.

The council says the area is currently dominated by cars and parking, with the aim being to balance this with live arts events, markets, and an array of leisure activities, making the area more pedestrian-friendly.

The project seeks to enhance the market square's aesthetics with improved lighting and landscaping, providing a place where residents and visitors can congregate for a multitude of experiences and events.

By refining the area's accessibility and attractiveness, the regeneration aims to increase footfall to local businesses, bolstering Bicester's economy.

Cherwell District Council said: "Our goal is to create a thriving hub where the local community and visitors can come together to enjoy a variety of experiences and events in a space that is much more visually attractive."

On September 4, the executive approved the selection of professional consultants to begin studies and create plans whilst engaging with local businesses and residents to chart the project's best course.

The council is eager to engage as many community members as possible to shape the final plans of this major investment.

The council announced in December that it was searching for town centre regeneration consultants.

It said the consultants will study the town and "work with the council to shape plans for a forward-thinking, thriving town centre".