Two mums have launched a charity to help parents who have suffered the loss of children from a multiple pregnancy.

Footprints Baby Loss has been set up by Sharon Darke and Suzie Scofield, from Middleton Cheney near Banbury and Wargrave near Henley respectively.

Both Ms Darke and Ms Scofield lost their twin boys and aim to use their experiences to help others facing similar tragedies.

Footprints Baby Loss plans to provide a befriending service, which offers peer-to-peer support to parents grieving the loss of a twin or triplet.

This support service is designed to aid parents in dealing with the complicated emotions and challenges associated with the death of their child.

Ms Darke, who has spent 23 years in this area, said: "I feel privileged to talk to parents about their babies that have died.

"It's important to say our babies' names and hear others saying them too.

"It's a simple act, but it means so much."

Ms Darke lost her twin baby sons Charlie and Joshua in 1999, aged seven days and 13 days.

Co-founder Ms Scofield added: "Meeting Sharon shortly after my twins died was such a comfort.

"Her understanding and support showed me hope for the future.

"I'm humbled to be a co-founder of this charity, honouring the memory of our babies and supporting others in their grief."

The charity will focus on bereavement support services, encompassing befriending, support meetings, and online peer-to-peer groups.

It also plans to educate healthcare professionals and supply literature on multiple birth losses to fill the gaps in existing services.

One parent who has used the service said: "Talking with Sharon has been a huge support.

"It's comforting to share experiences with someone who truly understands the journey of multiple pregnancy loss."

Another said: "Having a befriender who has experienced similar loss is a lifeline. It provides an invisible understanding and connection that is a huge comfort."

The charity has set up a donation page to help them during the early phases of the launch.

Mrs Darke added: "We are excited to launch our charity and support the twin and triplet loss bereaved community.

"Our goal is to provide a parent-led, specialised bereavement service that truly understands and addresses the unique needs of these families."

The charity is set to launch on January 23.

For more information on Footprints Baby Loss, visit the charity's website.