Approval has been reluctantly granted for the development of a 41-apartment "monster" retirement home despite concerns about limited "allowances for accessibility".

Councillors at a Cherwell District Council planning meeting on Thursday had their hands tied as they were forced to consider a request to allow three more apartments at the site of a 38-apartment building.

The retirement complex, located on St John's Road in Bicester, had already received the green light by a planning inspector.

The major development is described as "retirement living accommodation for older people" and will be available for people over the age of 60 with their spouses who are more than 55.

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There will be no change in elevations as a result of the extra three apartments but people in a loft may now overlook neighbouring houses.

Oxford Mail: Site plan for the new retirement apartments in Bicester.Site plan for the new retirement apartments in Bicester. (Image: Cherwell planning portal)

Meeting attendees expressed their "alarm" at a perceived absence of accessibility provision to apartments despite the accommodation being for older people.

Councillor Rebecca Biegel said: "this type of accommodation does seem to be very unusual to say the least” in reference to the absence of provision of wider doors.

The Banbury Grimsbury and Hightown Ward Labour councillor added: "It is essentially no different than if it were for people of any age.

"It seems very unusual and alarming."

But a Churchill Retirement spokesman said: “Any concerns about lack of wheelchair access are entirely misplaced and incorrect.

"The building will be fully wheelchair accessible with a lift to all floors, although it’s important to note that it will not be a care home.

"Our plans are for a block of attractive, high quality retirement apartments for local over 60s who want to carry on living independently as they get older, but with the safety, support and social life that comes with being in a retirement living community."

An application appeal for 38 apartments had led to the granting of permission for the development by the planning inspector in 2022 though the planning committee stated it would have refused the application.

Councillor Barry Wood said: "We lost, the inspector won.

Oxford Mail: Councillor Barry Wood.Councillor Barry Wood. (Image: Cherwell District Council.)

"That is the way of it with planning in this country.

"The principle of the development with the bulk of the detail has been agreed by the inspector."

Planning officer Jeanette Davey confirmed there would be lift access but explained: "The only difference between this scheme and any other block of flats is reduced parking because it is assumed the older you get the less cars you need."

Councillor Julian Nedelcu described the development as a "monster in the middle of town" and added "the damage is already done".

An objecting comment to the additional three apartments stated: "The height of the building proposed is out of context and will now totally dominate the street.

Oxford Mail: Proposed site of the new retirement home.Proposed site of the new retirement home. (Image: Cherwell planning portal)

"It will make the existing parking problems worse."

Bicester Town Council objected to the application on the grounds of the "height of the building and safety concerns" but there were no objections from most consultees which included OCC Highways and OCC Environmental Protection.

The planning inspector had approved plans for the 38-apartment at the time in the context of the absence of a five year housing land supply.

Eight councillors voted for the application, four against, and two abstained.

The chair thanked the committee and concluded "it was not an easy one".