A 25-year-old from Banbury has been charged with drink driving as part of a police crackdown on the offence.

Lewis Seymour, of McKeevor Place, Banbury, was charged by Northamptonshire Police on Wednesday, December 13, and will appear before Northampton Magistrates’ Court on January 9.

As part of the crackdown by Northamptonshire Police, those caught driving over the legal limit will be publicly named on the Northamptonshire Police website and social media.

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This is a hard-line approach the Force has taken over recent years to help demonstrate the severity and consequences of drink-driving.

A spokesperson for the force said: “Officers from across the force will be supporting the month-long operation in a bid to keep our communities and roads safer throughout December and to ensure everyone gets home safely to enjoy the festive season with family and friends.”


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This story was written by Matthew Norman, he joined the team in 2022 as a Facebook community reporter.

Matthew covers Bicester and focuses on finding stories from diverse communities.

Get in touch with him by emailing: Matthew.norman@newsquest.co.uk

Follow him on Twitter: @OxMailMattN1