A primary school surprised parents and children by using a real donkey in their nativity play.

In a performance at St John Fisher Catholic Primary School in Blackbird Leys,  Mary entered the school hall on her way to Bethlehem she did so riding a real donkey.

It had been kept a secret from most children and parents until the day of the performance.

Georgia who played Mary said: "I was a bit scared, especially when I thought I might fall off, but it was so much fun."

Oxford Mail: Primary school use real donkey for nativity play

There was one nervy moment where the donkey was reluctant to walk up to an inn and see if there was any room, but a persuasive push kept him trotting along.

Headteacher Paul Higgins said: "One of our biggest aims at this school is to create lifelong memories and experiences for the children, having a real donkey in our nativity will do just that. 

"This was the best day of my life, because I had never even seen a donkey before." said year two pupil Maddison 

Teacher Mrs Ball said:  "In the 30 years I have worked here, I have never seen anything like it! What a way to create memories for the children at our school." -

Deputy headteacher,  Ms McCarthy said: "Pushing a donkey's behind was not what I got into teaching for, but it certainly will be memorable." -