Fed-up parents, teachers and young children staged a protest in a “terrifying” Oxford road where they claim lives are at risk.

Protesters wrapped up warm and braved the cold as they waved handmade signs and chanted for around 90 minutes in Quarry Hallow road in Headington.

Around 60 people gathered in the 20mph residential road on Wednesday morning (December 6) as they called for better safety measures to be installed.

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Oxford Mail: An HGV using the narrow residential roadAn HGV using the narrow residential road (Image: Contributed)

They claim the narrow road is blighted by HGVs which force vehicles to mount the kerb to pass by.

Oxfordshire County Council has said it has put cones on the route in a bid to improve safety.

Becky Carlyle, one of the protest organisers, said: “Standing on the street for 90 minutes during rush hour highlights how manic the street can get, with parents trying to cross the road with poor sightlines and heavy traffic.

“They are often pushing prams with another child on foot, on a narrow uneven pavement with no protection from the traffic. 

“During rush hour cars form a constant stream from the ring road to cut through into Headington, and HGVs, vans and large SUVs pass through very tight spaces forcing traffic to build up and mount pavements.

“We have witnessed wing-mirrors being torn off by passing cars, cars mounting the pavement next to small children, and drivers getting out of their vehicles to move the cones that have been temporarily placed to stop cars mounting the pavement.”

Oxford Mail: Ewan, 4, joined protesters with a handwritten sign reading keep Quarry safeEwan, 4, joined protesters with a handwritten sign reading keep Quarry safe (Image: Contributed)

Oxford Mail: Around 60 protesters waved handmade signs and chanted for around 90 minutes in the 'dangerous'

Oxford Mail: Around 60 protesters waved handmade signs and chanted for around 90 minutes in the 'dangerous'

Parents have raised fears for the risks to schoolchildren, with Headington Quarry Foundation Stage School and Windmill Primary School both nearby.

Rachel Parle lives in Quarry Hollow and her children go to nearby schools.

She said: “We walk up and down the street multiple times a day.

“With the volume of traffic coming off the ring road, and the impatience of drivers on our narrow street, it can feel very dangerous.

“Cars frequently mount the kerb as we walk along, putting us all at risk."

Another parent, Charlotte King, added: "It's a narrow road with narrow pavements, which is increasingly being used as a cut through from the ring road into Headington.

“Cars, vans, and HGVs regularly mount the pavement to get through, but dozens of families have to use that same narrow pavement to take their three to five year old children to preschool.

“I don't think the drivers realise how terrifying it is to see a vehicle driving towards your small child on the pavement.

“We have no alternative route to get our kids to school. We need to make it safer.”

In response to concerns, Oxfordshire County Council has put out cones, but parents said motorists are simply leaving their vehicles and removing them.

However, a council spokesman said the cones “have helped the situation" and the authority is "considering keeping them in operation next year”.