An Oxfordshire pub that was hit with a zero food hygiene rating was found to have ‘evidence of mouse activity’, a ‘decomposing liver’ and a ‘live maggot’, a freedom of information request has found.

The Maltsters Arms in Rotherfield Greys near Henley was given the lowest possible score after it was inspected on September 20.

The Oxford Mail has since obtained the inspection report, which has shown “evidence of mouse activity” in the dry food areas which were not “suitably pest proof”.

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When inspecting the fridge, the inspector described the internal base as being in a “filthy condition” before finding a live maggot.

The inspector also found mouldy bread, cabbage and pork pies as well as a liver in the fridge that had a “pungent smell and was grey with liquid pooling around it indicative of decomposing food”.

The pub was also warned about liver being "thoroughly cooked" after it was found livers were being severed “still pink in the middle”.

There was also raw food stored above ready-to-eat food in the pub's fridge including fresh herbs alongside an open packet of steak, the report said.

The report added that frozen food had defrosted and some foods were in a state of decomposition.

There was also evidence of smoking taking place in a dry food storage area after the inspector found an ashtray filled with cigarette butts.

The storage area was used for pots, pans and other dry goods but it is considered an offence in the inspection to smoke in this area.

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The inspector said: “During the inspection, I was disappointed to note the premises had a large amount of mouldy and out of date present, was dirty and had pest activity in both store area.

“It is an offence under food law to sell or use out-of-date food, not to keep a food area clean or not to take adequate precautions to prevent pest access to the food area.

“The lack of stock rotation seen at the premises is completely unacceptable.

“Having a clean and pest-free food preparation and storage area is a prerequisite to being able to prepare food safely.

“It is crucial that the preparation and storage area are kept free from pests.”

South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils take part in the Food Standards Agency's National Food Hygiene Rating Scheme.

The inspectors judge establishments with regard to hygienic food handling, cleanliness and the condition of facilities as well as management of food safety.

This allows members of the public to check the hygiene standards of local food businesses online.

The Maltsters Arm has since had a reinspection, the owners said.

The Oxford Mail has approached the pub owners for a comment on the inspection.