Meet Britain's smartest teenager who is aiming to complete 28 A levels - after getting 34 A*s in her GCSEs.

Mahnoor Cheema, 16, who plans to study medicine at Oxford University, has already completed four A levels in just two months.

And she is hoping to study for at least 28 in total - which she believes would be a record.

Clever Mahnoor, from Slough, did 24 GCSEs in her own time alongside 10 at Langley Grammar School.

She scored an incredible 33 nines and one eight - equivalent to 33 A*s and one A/A*.

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And she manages to squeeze it all in by using an unconventional sleep routine.

Mahnoor said: "After school I sleep for three hours. If I'm so tired, I wouldn't be as productive.

"Then I wake up at 7pm and go to bed again at 2am. The last hour of my day is spent playing piano.

"But the most studying I will ever do in a day is two to three hours - it just comes naturally to me."

Oxford Mail: Mahnoor with her booksMahnoor with her books (Image: SWNS)
Mahnoor was born in the UK before moving to Lahore, Pakistan with her parents in 2010.

Her family then moved back to the UK in 2016 - by which time she had already shown huge promise.

Mum Tayyaba Cheema, 42, said she realised her daughter was "different" when the then one-year-old told her "I'm here for you" following a bereavement.

Tayyaba, a full-time mum with a masters in economics, said: “I got news from Pakistan that my father had just passed away.

"Mahnoor saw me and asked why I was crying, and I explained.

"She told me 'I’m here for you'. It just showed how sensitive and intelligent she was - even at that age."

Mahnoor then kept conquering complex tasks as she grew, according to Tayyaba and husband Usman Cheema, 48, a barrister.

By the age of six she had read all seven Harry Potter books, and, by 11, had learned the entire Oxford English Dictionary "by heart".

Mahnoor achieved her impressive GCSE results in the summer, for which she was praised by a former prime minister of Pakistan.

She achieved top marks in traditional subjects including physics, maths, and computer science - as well as Latin, Urdu, and Classics.

Mahnoor started her A levels in September and has already completed four - in English language, marine science, environmental management, and thinking skills.

She will get the results back in February.

Mahnoor, who says she achieved an IQ score of 161, higher Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein, plans to study medicine at Oxford University.

She said: "I guess I do find school easier than most people, I just want to explore my full capability.

"Plus I am genuinely really interested in all of my subjects.

"I've always had very different mindset. I was very education-orientated from a young age and always loved to challenge myself.

Oxford Mail: She has plans to study at Oxford University She has plans to study at Oxford University (Image: SWNS)
“I set myself the target of getting all A*s when I started secondary school and to get them was just amazing.

"But now I want to achieve even more at sixth form.”

Mum Tayyaba added: “We believed in her and were expecting all 9s for her GCSEs.

"Now we would love to see her do the same for A levels.”

Mahnoor has two siblings - Laila, 14, who has won national maths competitions, and also has an IQ of 161, and Jibran, nine, a grade four piano player.

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Tayyaba says her smart family is down to "genetics, hard work, and consistency".

She added: "Everyone can be bright, but the main point is consistency.

"If you don’t keep challenging yourself you won’t improve.”

Mahnor plans to get top A level marks in psychology, sociology, law, business, accounting, economics, Latin, German, computer science, film studies, politics, classical civilisation, maths, further maths, geography and media studies, physics, chemisty, biology, English literature, film studies, French, statistics, acccounting, marine studies, thinking skills and English language.

But she added this is a "low estimate" - and she "may well take more".