One of a few frustrated locals has described illegal parking from motorists in Oxford as an example of the actions of "inconsiderate muppets".

The driver of the car in question parked on the dropped kerb at the pedestrian crossing on Iffley Road, opposite a newsagents by the 'Love Coffee Co' and 'Golden Barber' stores.

Other examples of drivers parking on the pavement in the same area this year include vehicles on yellow lines, bike lanes and mounting sections of the pavement.

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Oxford Mail: Iffley Road by Howard Street, March 26 2023.Iffley Road by Howard Street, March 26 2023. (Image: Badly Parked Oxford)

A representative from the Badly Parked Oxford account, which tweets about "anti-social parking", said: "Parking on a pavement isn't a victimless crime - it makes life difficult for anyone using a pushchair or wheelchair and it breaks up pavement surfaces which we all pay for.

"But most importantly, it means *driving* on a pavement, which is deadly."

Rule 244 of the Highway Code has stated since 1974 that drivers "must not park partially or wholly on the pavement and should not do so elsewhere unless signs permit it".

Oxford Mail: White van parked around Donnington shops on Iffley Road.White van parked around Donnington shops on Iffley Road. (Image: Badly Parked Oxford)

The code goes on to say that "parking on the pavement can obstruct and seriously inconvenience pedestrians, people in wheelchairs or with visual impairments and people with prams or pushchairs".

Badly Parked Oxford continued: "There seems to be confusion about the purpose of pavements, which perhaps isn't emphasised enough to new drivers and those who are new to driving in the UK.

"Pavements are for people. Roads are for vehicles."