The news that former Witney MP David Cameron is to return to government as Foreign Secretary was greeted with delight by Conservative supporters in West Oxfordshire.

Lord Cameron was MP for Witney and West Oxfordshire from 2001 to 2016.

However, Labour said the “step back” was evidence of an “incredibly weak and failing” government and the country needed a general election now.

His successor MP Robert Courts said“David Cameron brings immense experience and ability to the critical role of Foreign Secretary.

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"I look forward to considering the significant challenges in foreign, security and defence policy with him as he takes up his new position."

But Charlie Maynard, Liberal Democrat candidate for Witney in the next general election, said it was "more fire fighting from the Conservative government".

Oxford Mail: David Cameron campaigning with Douglas Hurd before he was selected for Witney

He said: "I’m delighted that Sunak has sacked Braverman but I’m worried to see a raft of junior ministers also quitting.

"The sooner we have a general election the better, with neither Sunak nor Cameron having a democratic mandate for the office they hold."

He added: "I wish David Cameron the best of luck in his new role."

Lib Dem leader of WODC Andy Graham knows David Cameron having stood against him in the 2015 general election.

He said: "Perhaps he can bring some common sense and cohesion to  the divisive foreign policy of this Conservative government.

"He has my respect as someone who has integrity."

Conservative county and district councillor Liam Walker said: “I think this is great news for the Conservative Party and for our country.

"David Cameron was a prime minister who held together a difficult coalition government and then went on to win that crucial Conservative majority in 2015.

"His position on the international stage is very significant and he is well respected by many leaders and diplomats.

"His experience will be invaluable at this time of great uncertainty in our world."

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However, leader of the Labour Group on West Oxfordshire District Council, Duncan Enright said: "David Cameron is the man who brought us over a decade of austerity and walked away from Brexit, and who only weeks ago Rishi Sunak described as part of the failed status quo.

"This is not the change Britain needs, but a step back into the past.

"It shows further signs of division in this incredibly weak and failing Conservative Government.

"For all our sakes, and for the sake of the country, we need a General Election now and a new Labour Government to bring stability, growth and hope."