A Wantage woman is creating a new town women’s circle to provide a safe space for women to talk about issues and concerns they are facing.

Victoria Wright, a local medical herbalist and functional medical practitioner, decided to put the idea into action this week after seeing author Marieke Bigg at the Wantage Literary Festival.

Victoria said: “I’ve noticed over the years that there’s a real importance to women connecting, especially with their health issues. Having seen Marieke Bigg last weekend talking about this and how medicine often fails us inspired me to get local women together and empower them to check in on themselves.”

Victoria is now in the process of speaking to those who have expressed interest and devising a plan for how sessions will be run. She plans for meetings to take place at her home studio on a weekday evening for an hour and a half and for the circle to also have an online aspect to boost its reach.

Victoria said: “I’d like to offer exercises, teaching, guided relaxation and intentional creativity which is similar to art coaching. Open to anyone, this is about women getting to know one another other deeply by talking about personal things, challenges they’re facing, sharing stories, laughing together and making change.”

For more information on the group, email Victoria at: victoria@thelivingherb.com