A Littlemore man will be sentenced on Halloween after he admitted using a meat cleaver to threaten a female cop.

Arthur Chen-Lawless, 67, of no fixed address, appeared before Oxford Crown Court on Tuesday (October 10).

He was wearing a grey prison-issue jumper onto which the late Queen Elizabeth’s EIIR royal cypher had been stencilled into a ‘Superman’ style diamond shape.

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Standing in the dock wearing the home-made outfit, he pleaded guilty to a single charge of threatening a woman with a knife in a private place.

Prosecutors said he was responsible for threatening PC Laura Stansfield with the meat cleaver in a property in Morrell Crescent, Littlemore, on July 14.

Judge Nigel Daly adjourned sentencing until October 31.

He ordered pre-sentence reports from the probation service and remanded Chen-Lawless in custody.

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The judge noted that the defendant had ‘some disturbing previous convictions’, albeit he had been out of trouble since 2010.

His rap sheet included a conviction from 2008 for possession of a toy revolver with intent to cause fear of violence.

Defending, Lucy Ffrench told the crown court on Tuesday that her client’s solicitors had already obtained a psychiatric report.

The court was told the offence was committed in supported accommodation adjacent to Littlemore psychiatric hospital.

That accommodation was no longer available to him when he was released from prison.