Russell Brand's adoptive hometown is distancing itself from him, according to reports.

The comedian has lived in the well-heeled town of Henley since 2015 and married his wife Laura Gallacher at St Nicholas Church in nearby Remenham.

She is pregnant with their third child, according to the Henley Standard.

The couple bought The Crown in Pishill in March 2020 from where it is believed he broadcasts his You Tube channel.

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Brand has thrown himself into local life appearing at the Henley Literary Festival and volunteering with the Henley Toad Patrol.

Last November he addressed a riverside rally organised by swimmers group the Henley Mermaids to raise awareness of sewage being released into the Thames.

Brand is now being investigated by police following a joint investigation by the Sunday Times, The Times and Channel 4's Dispatches, in which four women accused the star of sexual assaults and rape, which he denies.

In the wake of the news the swimming group released a statement distancing themselves from the comedian turned conspiracy theorist.

It said: “Russell Brand was briefly involved in the clean rivers campaign, attended a protest put on by the Henley Mermaids and gave a speech.

“We also did an interview with him about sewage in the River Thames.

“Like everyone else, we are horrified by the allegations made about his behaviour. Our thoughts are with those women who have come forward," the Henley Standard reported.

Nor is Brand welcome at Christ Church Centre in Reading Road where he has held talks about his recovery from addiction.

Minister Glyn Millington told the Henley Standard he had believed Brand had "cleaned up his act" and "stopped using shock tactics".

He said: “Like everyone else, Mr Brand deserves a proper investigation by the police and a verdict from a court of law in due course.

"In the meanwhile, he will not be using Christ Church as venue — the furore which surrounds him at the moment would be a major distraction from our work in the community should it descend on Christ Church.

“So we pause, give time for the proper legal processes to unfold and await developments, praying for all involved."