A teenager who stripped lead from the same church three times was jailed for nine months today.

Graham Crutch, 18, of Longore, Stonesfield, west Oxfordshire, admitted three charges of theft from St Mary's Church at Chipping Norton when he appeared at Banbury Magistrates' Court.

He was also sentenced for taking a Skoda car from Combe and for driving while disqualified and without insurance.

Det Sgt Craig Kirby said: "The magistrates made it clear how seriously they are taking metal theft offences."

Buoyant worldwide metal prices have had a major effect on scrap metal theft, making it a very lucrative business. Churches, schools, homes and shops across Oxfordshire have been targeted and in one incident thieves stripped an entire road of its iron drain covers - leaving dangerous holes.

Twenty-five grilles from a mile and a half stretch of the A4095 between Bampton and Clanfield were linked to a spate of thefts driven by crooks cashing in on the high value of scrap metal. Last month copper piping from charity shop Clic Sargent in Headington was stolen. And in May, 11 people from across Cherwell were arrested after a spate of thefts, including Warriner School in Bloxham, Banbury School and West Bar Surgery.