A jilted husband accused of masterminding a brutal attack on his wife has denied any involvement.

Michael License, formerly of Witney, is alleged to have paid two men to beat up Wendy License outside her Sandbanks home in Dorset.

But today he told Bournemouth Crown Court he would never harm her.

He told the jury "unpleasant" text messages sent to her in the weeks leading up to the attack were "just bravado, macho rubbish" - and he had been drinking when he sent them.

He said: "I still really loved her, but I had accepted we would not be together."

License, 55, now of Brockworth, Gloucestershire, told the court his wife had a series of affairs over a 10-year period and left him in September, 2006. Earlier this week, the jury was told she was attacked by two men on December 19, 2006, as she left her flat in Sandbanks for work.

License and lorry driver Everton Bailey, 41, from Derby, deny conspiracy to inflict grievous bodily harm with intent.

The trial continues.