While most pupils are gearing up for their summer holidays, one West Oxford school is planning a gigantic reunion.

A former Matthew Arnold School pupil is attempting to track down around 500 ex-classmates and staff to take part in a 50th anniversary extravaganza.

The school, in Arnold's Way, Cumnor Hill, was opened in 1958 by Baron Henry Brooke - and organisers think a reunion would be the perfect way to celebrate its half century of history.

The school hit the headlines in 1971 after its headmaster Glyn Davies decided to replace teacher's comments on pupils' end of school reports with numbers to denote 31 stock phrases, such as: 'is unable to concentrate for long periods' (14) and 'talks too much' (29).

It also enjoyed a flying visit from Prince Charles in December 1986 with the playing field used as a helipad.

Former pupil Pamela Holmes is hoping the silver anniversary, in September, will be the best yet.

Mrs Holmes of Evelyn Close, Botley, said: "This is a great way to celebrate all the history of the school. This will be my fifth reunion so far, but this is definitely the big one because it's the 50th.

"We're looking for anyone who has ever been to the school - or worked there - to come forward and enjoy a fun night.

"We had well over 400 people when the school's 45th anniversary was celebrated, but this time we hope we can get even more."

The occasion will certainly have an international flavour as former pupils living as far afield as New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, France, Spain and the United States have agreed to join the party.

The reunion takes place at the school on Saturday, September 27 at 7.30pm and will feature a disco and a licensed bar.

For further details email mareunion2008@aol.com, or call 01865 862683.