If William Cowan sincerely believes that he and all Christians await the second coming of Christ to rule over us (Oxford Mail, June 26), then they are in for a massive disappointment.

If such an occurrence should happen, the modern Western democracies and their leaders would never accept an unelected permanent ruler with complete power as judge and jury.

Neither would the all-powerful African presidents, while the Islamic countries, the Buddhists, the Hindus and all the other faiths of the world would never succumb to a Christian leader.

It would be a recipe for a catastrophic religious world war, as predicted in the Book of Revelations.

Even the Roman Catholic Church would not accept him.

A senior Catholic cleric, Monsignor Semprione, wrote some time ago: "If Christ suddenly appeared in St Peter's Square, and said 'leave your riches and follow me', I wonder how many would?

"I'd like to know what would happen if He knocked on the Vatican door. I know what would happen. The authorities would instantly call the police for disturbing the peace.

"He would be sent to a mental ward and classified as a manic impersonator of Jesus Christ."

DEREK HONEY Queen Emma's Dyke Witney