A group in Oxford campaigning to stop parts of the NHS from being privatised is joining celebrations for the 60th anniversary of the Nat- ional Health Service.

Saturday marks the 60th birthday of the introduction of the NHS, and a reception is being held at Oxford Town Hall, from 4pm, to mark the occasion, hosted by Lord Mayor Susanna Pressel.

Those treated by the NHS, people who remember the days before the service came in and NHS workers, including overseas ones, will all attend.

The reception will include the launch of a book of memories that local people - patients and workers - will be invited to contribute to.

Ms Pressel said: "I am delighted to be hosting this reception to mark the 60th birthday of a great British institution. The NHS has worked tirelessly to ensure the health of Oxford residents, and this is one way of saying thank you."

Contributions to the book by people who have benefited from the NHS or worked in the service can be sent to the Lord Mayor at Oxford Town Hall, handed in at the town hall or sent via email to jskipp@oxford. gov.uk NHS patient Margaret Stanton said: "As a pensioner I have relied on the NHS more and more in the last few years.

"I remember what it was like pre-NHS and would not want us to return to a piecemeal service, with patients frightened of doctors and nurses."

Larry Saunders, joint chairman of the Oxfordshire branch of Keep Our NHS Public, said: "For me, as someone who grew up in America, the NHS is one of the most attractive things about this country."

John Willis, 61, manager at South Central Ambulance, attended a reception on WednesdayJuly2 with Prime Minister Gordon Brown to celebrate the landmark anniversary.

Mr Willis, from Bicester, was one of the first paramedics in Oxfordshire and joined the ambulance service in March 1976.

On Tuesday, the Keep Our NHS Public group is joining Keep The Horton campaigners and local GPs in Banbury at a meeting in the People's Church, in Horsefair, from 6.30pm, to campaign against proposals for a new polyclinic.

As the NHS marks its 60th birthday, what are your memories of the NHS, or, even, before it was introduced? Call Debbie Waite on 01865 425428 or email dwaite@oxfordmail.co.uk