A night-time spot check on taxis in Witney has given a reassuring message to the public.

The area's acting police commander, Chf Insp Andy Boyd, said only a few minor vehicle defects were picked up during the five hour check in the town centre.

A total of 17 licensed hackney carriage taxis were stopped and all drivers had the proper accreditation.

Mr Boyd said: "There has been concern in Oxford recently that some taxi drivers have not been properly licensed.

"But this check shows that in Witney you are likely to be getting into a safe vehicle with an accredited driver.

"People have confidence they will be going home safely - and that is a reassuring message."

The checks are carried out by police, West Oxfordshire District Council and the Vehicle and Operator Services Agency two to three times a year.

The area has about 110 licensed taxis and 50 private hire vehicle operators.