Oxfordshire County Council's cabinet member for children, education and young people's services had congratulated students receiving their GCSE results today.

 Councillor Liz Brighouse said: “I would like to wish every student success in the next chapter of their lives, whatever that may be.

“There are so many choices and opportunities, from continuing in education to beginning work or learning a career through an apprenticeship.

“For those students who have not received the results they were hoping for, there is excellent support available both through the schools, and a number of services that offer help for young people.

“Again, congratulations, and also thank you to the dedicated school staff who have taught, coached and mentored our students during their time in Oxfordshire’s schools and colleges.”

READ MORE: Oxfordshire GCSE results 2023 live updates


Next steps

For anyone unsure of their next steps after exam results, further help can be found at www.oxme.info and through the National Careers Service which has a helpline number: 0800 100 900. For anyone interested in apprenticeships: www.oxfordshireapprenticeships.co.uk

Throughout the results period and beyond, information and guidance is available on the Oxme website through the 16+ results day hub, where any young person aged 16-18 and not in education, employment or training can access information, find opportunities and ask for support.