AN OXFORD man was attacked by would-be muggers yesterday.

The 34-year-old was walking along the Botley Road away from the city centre on the left-hand pavement shortly before 7am.

As he was crossing Osney Bridge, two other men approached and demanded he hand over his property.

When he refused they punched him several times and threatened to throw him into the weir unless he gave them money.

The duo continued to punch him until passers-by came to his rescue. The attackers then walked off along the Botley Road out of the city on the right-hand pavement.

The victim was taken to Oxford's John Radcliffe Hospital and given three stitches to his head.

The first attacker was black, in his early 20s, 5ft 10ins and slim, and wearing a dark hooded top.

The other was white, also in his early twenties, 5ft 10ins and slim. He had short brown hair and was wearing a dark fleece.

Dc Ian Spencer, from Oxford's robbery team, said: "It's extremely unusual for someone to be attacked in a busy area at this time of day.

"Did you see the attack, or two men of this description walking along the Botley Road or in the vicinity? If so, please get in touch.

"The victim was simply on his way to work, but has been left distressed and upset by this unprovoked attack."

Anyone with any information about the attack should call Dc Spencer on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.