Jurors in a rape trial in which a man stands accused of attacking a 15-year- old girl today heard from the youngster's mother.

Jamie Hall, 25, denies one charge of rape, one of sexual assault and two of sexual activity with a child.

Hall, of Fettiplace Road, Barton, told police the girl said she was raped because he had sex with her mother or because he stopped having sex with her.

Yesterday, at Oxford Crown Court, the victim's mother denied having sex with Hall hours before the alleged incident in Oxford last August. She told the jury Hall was at her house and she heard the bath running, which she thought was strange.

She added: "I went upstairs and my daughter was hysterical.

"I asked her friend what had happened and that's when she said Jamie had attacked her."

The victim's mother said she texted Hall, who had left the house, to ask him what had happened.

Peter Coombecorr, prosecuting, said police officers found a text message on the mother's phone from Hall which read: "When I went upstairs she grabbed me and tried it on so I went for it but then thought, no, it's wrong and stopped. Sorry. Should not have done it."

The jury heard that the woman replied saying: "I knew you wouldn't."

The woman later told the court: "I didn't think he would do anything like that and at that point I believed him, but when I spoke to my daughter and saw the state she was in I knew something had happened."

The case continues.