Angry hauliers from Oxfordshire will join fellow truckers in London tomorrow for what is expected to be the biggest protest so far against fuel prices.

Organised by lobby group Transaction 2007, the demonstration has the backing of the Road Haulage Association (RHA) and the Transport Association.

Liz Herring, company secretary of Bicester Crane & Plant Haulage Ltd in Buckingham Road, Bicester, said her firm would be supporting the protesters.

She said: "When you are putting about 600 litres of fuel in at a time then the price you're paying has a massive impact.

"This protest has the full backing of the RHA and will be much bigger than the one earlier this summer -and that is why we decided to get involved.

"I don't know if it will make much of a difference, but we have got to do something as it is affecting our livelihoods."

As at the earlier demonstration, hauliers will use their lorries to form a line along a closed-section of the A40 Westway in West London.

A series of police-controlled convoys will then move into central London while lorry drivers, on foot, lobby Parliament.

Mac Howie Transport Ltd chairman, Dougal MacBurnie, from Witney, said he wanted to join the protest but the high cost of fuel made it difficult.

He said: "We will see if any of our jobs are going that way and, if so, we will send a them along.

"The rising cost of fuel is adding between £3,000 and £4,000 per week and something really needs to be done to help us."