A pensioner suffering from cancer last night gave a 92-year-old man £300 after he was burgled.

The Oxford Mail reported yesterday that Fred Edwards, who has been a pillar of the Abingdon community for decades, woke up on Friday night to find the thief ransacking his house.

After reading his story in yesterday's paper, a woman contacted our newsdesk and said she wanted to reimburse Mr Edwards £250 stolen in the break-in.

The woman, who has asked to remain anonymous but is suffering from terminal cancer, said: "When I read what happened in the Oxford Mail, it really upset me. I just wanted to do this to show that not everyone is bad and that there are people out there that still care.

"I have terminal cancer and my friends and family are wonderful and support me, and I just wanted to do something to help Fred and show there are people thinking of him.

"After all, you can't take it with you."

Mr Edwards, of Springfield Drive, could only sit and watch as the burglar scattered his belongings around his bedroom.

The former Special Constable and market inspector said: "I'm really touched by this.

"How someone I don't even know could be so kind is really fantastic.

"I just want whoever it is to know that I'm truly grateful for this. It's nice to know that there are still some good people around.

"But I will be giving the money to my son, to make sure that this gets put in the bank straight away."

The mystery woman gave Mr Edwards £250 to replace the stolen money, and gave him an extra £50.

She said: "I know the money that was stolen was to pay for his carers, so this will cover that and there's a bit extra for him to go out and enjoy himself.

"I can't begin to imagine how it would have felt to wake up and have a stranger going through your things like that.

"I just hope the money give him some comfort."

Mr Edwards, a member of the congregation at St Helen's Church, in East St Helens Street, said: "I shall pray for this person."

Family friend Dave Eggleton, 75, who was there when the Oxford Mail handed over the money to Mr Edwards, said: "I think it's wonderful.

"This is such a kind thought and all of Fred's friends and family would like to thank her for what she has done."

Police are still looking for two youths thought to be responsible for the burglary and another break-in the same night in Ladygrove Paddock.

Anyone with information about the burglaries should call Pc Stephen King on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.