The heroes, heroines and villains of East Hagbourne are helping to raise money to equip a hospital and schools in Liuli, Tanzania.

The fun event, consisting of 25 specially-created scarecrows scattered around the village, adapted the heroes, heroines and villains theme of the church fete and attracted a lot of attention at the weekend.

The villagers' artistic creations can also be seen this coming weekend.

The Tanzanian hospital is on the shores of Lake Nyasa and residents of East Hagbourne have been raising money to keep it running for the past decade.

The proceeds of this years' scarecrow show will help to buy more solar panels, so the hospital can have 24-hour electricity supplies. And the community is also sending out items to equip the schools in the area around the hospital.

Organiser Mary Harrison said a new container of equipment will be shipped out later this month and she would welcome donations of items such as school equipment, hand tools, clothing, plastic cutlery, sheets and blankets to be included. If you can help, call her on 01235 813826.