A builder has put up a £500 reward after having his van and tools stolen in broad daylight.

David Long's van was taken from outside a house where he was working in Godstow Road, Wolvercote, on Tuesday last week, between 1pm and 2.30pm.

While his van, a white Peugeot Boxer, was insured, his tools - which he estimates cost him more than £5,000 and were built up over 40 years - were not.

Oxford police have now said they are not ruling out the possibility the theft is connected to the recent rise in metal thefts.

Mr Long said: "This is definitely going to affect my livelihood.

"It's not just the price of tools either. Some of the tools I had in there were things that had been bought for me when I was starting out.

"A lot were given to me as gifts by my grandmother and parents for birthdays and Christmas."

Mr Long, of Sandleigh Road, Wootton, near Abingdon, said the tools were not insured because of the high premiums. He is offering a £500 reward for the safe return of the van and tools.

He added: "Even if it is only a fraction of the tools that I get back then the £500 will be worth it."

Mr Long said the van was unlocked when it was stolen as he and his son Matthew, 34, were in and out of it regularly to get tools and materials.

He said: "We had been parked there like that for the past week and there hadn't been any problems.

"Neither of us heard a thing."

A police spokesman said: "This could be linked to the rise in metal thefts and police urge residents in Wolvercote to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity to us."

Anyone with information about the van, or who has been offered a large quantity of second hand tools for sale, should call police on 08458 505505 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.